“हर्ष और आनंद से परिपूर्ण जीवन केवल ज्ञान और विज्ञान के आधार पर संभव है।- डॉ. सर्वपल्ली राधाकृष्णन”

Thursday 10 September 2020

World Suicide Prevention Day 2020

 World Suicide Prevention Day 2020


World Suicide Prevention Day 2020 is observed on 10th September 2020 to promote awareness and worldwide action to prevent deaths due to suicide across the world which is important among today’s generation.

International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) organizes World Suicide Prevention Day every year. It is co-sponsored by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH). It is observed since 2003 to provide worldwide commitment and action to prevent suicides.

Why is it Important to Observe World Suicide Prevention Day?

It's a developing problem. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), every 40 seconds, someone takes their own life, which is about 800,000 people worldwide every year.

Suicide seems to be the leading cause of death for people aged between 15 and 29. There are as many as 40 attempted suicides for every suicide that results in death. Each one of us needs to talk to people and convey that suicide is not the ultimate solution to any problem, and there's a lot to live for. 

Depression: An Overview 

Depression is the most common mental disorder. As per WHO reports, it is the leading cause of disability worldwide and is a major contributor to the overall global burden of diseases. Even though one understands depression as mood fluctuations and short-lived emotional responses to challenges in everyday life, it’s imperative to treat depression if it persists for a long time, as it becomes a root cause for many other medical conditions if not treated on time. 

Symptoms of Depression

  • Deep feelings of sadness
  • Dark moods
  • Feelings of worthlessness or hopelessness
  • Appetite changes
  • Lack of energy
  • Lack of interest in things one used to enjoy
  • Withdrawing from friends
  • Preoccupation with death or thoughts of self-harm
  • Feelings of aggressiveness, anxiousness, and irritability
  • Drinking excessively
  • Engaging in high-risk activities
  • Difficulty staying focused on a task and performing daily tasks
  • Slow responses during conversations
  • Abnormal sleep patterns, such as insomnia (not sleeping through the night), restless sleep, etc.
  • Feeling worthless or guilty
  • Hallucinations, Delusions or Paranoia
  • Reduced sexual desire or lack of sexual performance

Main Sources of Depression

  • Abuse -Any past experience of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse           
  • Medications-Certain drugs such as antiviral drugs, and contortionists
  • Conflicts -Any past experiences of personal conflicts or disputes with closed ones
  • Death -Grief arising from the death of a close one
  • Events -Major life events such as loss of a job, divorce, or retirement
  • Genetic factors -A family history of depression
  • Brain structure -The lesser active the frontal lobe of the brain, the higher is the risk of developing a depressive disorder.
  • Medical conditions -Serious chronic medical illnesses such as chronic illness, insomnia, chronic pain, or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
  • Addiction -Drug or alcohol addiction and abuse

Depression Treatment

Mild to severe, all types of depressions are treatable. If depression is keeping you or your loved ones away from living a content life then do not hesitate to seek medical help. From medications to therapies to lifestyle changes, there are many different treatment options available.
Apart from therapies, or treatments, sometimes antidepressants, anti- anxiety and anti- psychotic medication are prescribed as well to treat depression and its symptoms.

How can you relax your Mind and Body?

Relaxing the Mind

  • Take slow, deep breaths. Or try other breathing exercises for relaxation.
  • Soak in a warm bath.
  • Listen to soothing music.
  • Practice mindful meditation. The goal of mindful meditation is to focus your attention on things that are happening right now in the present moment. For example, listen to your body. Is your breathing fast, slow, deep, or shallow? The idea is just to note what is happening without trying to change it.
  • Write. Some people feel more relaxed after they write about their feelings. One way is to keep a journal.
  • Use guided imagery. With guided imagery, you imagine yourself in a certain setting that helps you feel calm and relaxed. You can use audiotapes, scripts, or a teacher to guide you through the process.

Relaxing the body

  • Do yoga. You can get books and videos to do at home or take a yoga class.
  • Try progressive muscle relaxation. This process involves tensing and relaxing each muscle group. Progressive muscle relaxation can reduce anxiety and muscle tension. If you have trouble falling asleep, this method may also help with your sleep problems. When you relax your muscles, your body gets the signal that it is okay to fall asleep.
  • Take a walk or do some other activity. Making time to do things you enjoy can also help you relax.
  • Get a massage or have someone give you a back rub.
  • Have a warm drink that doesn't have alcohol or caffeine in it, such as herbal tea or warm milk.

How to prevent suicidal thoughts

If you’ve had suicidal thoughts or feelings, don’t be ashamed and don’t keep it to yourself. While some people have suicidal thoughts without any intention of ever acting on them, it’s still important to take some action.

To help prevent these thoughts from recurring, there are several things you can do.

  • Talk to someone
  • You should never try to manage suicidal feelings entirely on your own. Getting professional help and support from loved ones can make it easier to overcome any challenges that are causing these feelings.
  • Take medications as directed
  • You should never change your dosage or stop taking your medications unless your healthcare provider tells you to do so.
  • Pay attention to warning signs
  • Work with your healthcare provider or therapist to learn about the possible triggers for your suicidal feelings. This will help you recognize the signs of danger early on and decide what steps to take ahead of time.

life is a gift!

